OxyGeneo® treatment provides the only 3-in-1 Super Facial. Patented and clinically proven OxyGeneo® technology results in unparalleled skin nourishment & oxygenation, for smoother complexion and younger looking skin. Results are seen after only one treatment.
Redefining facial treatments
What makes OxyGeneo® a Super Facial? OxyGeneo provides 3 effective facial treatments simultaneously.
It combines gentle exfoliation, natural skin oxygenation, and a deep facial rejuvenation with the infusion of essential revitalizing nutrients.
Exfoliate. Infuse. Oxygenate.
Breakthrough OxyGeneo® Technology provides superior anti-aging results by treating the skin at a deeper level. Exfoliate, Infuse, and Oxygenate your way to youthful skin.
Learn more about HOW IT WORKS below.
Ultrasound is now available for enhancing the OxyGeneo treatment results.
Les appareils OxyGenO proposent un nouveau traitement qui pourrait bien remplacer le facial traditionnel. Le traitement non invasif se fait en trois étapes: 1) exfoliation; 2) infusion d’ingrédients – vous avez le choix entre Neoreviv pour le rajeunissement ou NeoBright pour éclaircir ou améliorer la texture cutanée; 3) oxygénation, en propulsant dans la peau des bulles de CO2 qui éclatent et provoquent une meilleure absorption des ingrédients. Résultat? Pas de miracles, mais tout de suite après on remarque une peau plus radieuse et la stimulation du collagène continue de travailler pour détendre les rides du visage dans les prochains jours. Bon aussi pour les problèmes de taches pigmentaires et l’acné. À partir de 150 $ par traitement. Pour une trouver une clinique offrant le service, voir sur geneo.ca
There's nothing I like better than being a beauty guinea pig, so when I was invited to try the new OxyGeneo facial, the answer was obviously yes (duh!). When they call something a "Super-Facial", do you even hesitate? No, no you do not.
Now, if you read my primer on oxygen facials, you're familiar with the concept of oxygen to treat the skin. The first-generation oxygen treatments, which came out in the 2000s and are still wildly popular at dermatologist's offices and medi-spas, involve a pressurized stream of oxygen that delivers active ingredients to the skin. Celebs love 'em because they give you a instant glow like you wouldn't believe. They're the perfect pre-game beauty boost to get your skin looking radiant before an important event, party, wedding, etc.
So can it get any better than that? I say yes.
What is OxyGeneo?
The three aspects of an OxyGeneo treatment are:
Exfoliation: It removes the upper layer of dead skin cells, similar to a gentle microdermabrasion.
Skin rejuvenation: It infuses the skin with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants (just like the first-gen oxygen facials).
Oxygenation: It produces carbon dioxide bubbles that gently burst on the skin's surface, which then stimulates oxygen-rich blood flow to the area and greater absorption of the actives.
There are two choices of actives. NeoRevive is for all-around rejuventation and anti-aging, and NeoBright is for brightening and texture improvement. The aesthetician who did my treatment, Katie, recommended NeoBright for me.
How OxyGeneo is different from a regular oxygen facial
Before I get to how the treatment felt, I should jump in here and emphasize how it's different from a regular oxygen facial.
Exfoliation: Obviously there is the additional exfoliation step. Remember my Peel, Mask, Moisturize post? Getting that dead top layer off—which acts like a barrier to the absorption of the good stuff—is key.
Non-Vacuum Hand Piece: Then there is the device itself, which looks like this:
It's a non-vacuum, vibrating hand piece so there's no suction action at all (which can be irritating). I know Intraceuticals, the original oxygen facial company, says their wand doesn't have any suction, but those treatments have always felt very vacuum-like to me. In comparison, the OxyGeneo device is just buffing all over your face instead of sucking it in wherever it touches. It's extremely gentle and can be used on sensitive skin and all over the face, including around the eyes, mouth and nose.
Oxygenation: The last thing that's different is how the treatment actually oxygenates. While standard oxygen facials have a stream of pressurized oxygen hitting the skin, OxyGeneo's oxygenation effect happens internally.
For the exfoliation part of the treatment, the hand piece is fitted with a "Capsugen" capsule on the end, which is a soft exfoliating head made of sodium bicarbonate, citric acid and magnesium. When it touches the NeoRevive or NeoBright treatment gel on your skin, it creates carbon dioxide bubbles, which causes oxygen-enriched blood to come to the surface. There's no external energy involved—just a really cool ingredient interaction.
How an OxyGeneo treatment feels
The process is similar to a regular oxygen facial, except I found it less stimulating to my skin (a good thing) and very, very fast. The entire treatment takes 30 minutes or less.
Step 1: Cleansing.
Step 2: Exfoliation. This step takes about six minutes. Your aesthetician paints the treatment gel (NeoRevive or NeoBright) all over your skin. Then, she fits the hand piece with a Capsugen (each client gets a fresh, hygienic one) and starts buffing it all over your face, causing some gentle foaming. She can also concentrate on areas of concern, such as the comedones around the nose or areas of hyperpigmentation. You feel a mild tingle, but nothing irritating or uncomfortable. My face also felt warm and looked a bit pink, which Katie told me was the oxygenated blood coming to the surface. Cool!
Step 3: Dermal infusion. Then the foam is washed off and more NeoRevive or NeoBright gel is applied for the dermal infusion step (about eight minutes). Your aesthetician removes the used Capsugen capsule and uses a massage tip on the hand piece, gently going over all areas of the face to help the treatment gel absorb. I found this part a little more relaxing, since there was no bubbling or tingling.
Step 4: Hand massage. The last part was a final massage by hand of the remaining gel on my face, to get every last drop into my skin.
Then your aesthetician hands you a mirror so you can admire your plumped-up, dewy glow!
Why I like OxyGeneo better than regular oxygen facials
My conclusion: it really is a "Super-Facial." I feel like you get all the benefits of a regular oxygen facial (glowing, hydrated skin infused with actives) and then some, in a much safer delivery system.
I love that it's a non-vacuum device and that the oxygenation happens internally, via carbon dioxide, instead of via the pressurized stream of oxygen that's used in other facials. I expressed some of my concerns about oxygen here, including the possibility that the oxygen increases free radical damage. I don't have that concern with the OxyGeneo system, and feel it's much safer. (In fact, it's safe for ALL skin types, is non-irritating and extremely hydrating.)
As for the results, from one treatment only you can expect an improved texture and increased radiance that should last several days. I thought I got a slight plumping effect as well. You'd need a series of treatments to get the long-term benefits, including improvements to acne, elasticity and brown spots. Here are a couple of impressive before and afters:
Want to see it in action? I'll leave you with two vids featuring the same aesthetician, Katie, who did my treatment (she is lovely and one of those very RARE non-judgemental facialists!).
In Toronto, you can try OxyGeneo at Glow Medi Spa in Yorkville. To find more clinics who offer it, see here.
stimuleert de natuurlijke zuurstofvoorziening van binnenuit
exfolieërt (peeling) zonder hersteltijd
super anti-aging werking
verbeterd hydratie van de huid
de huid krijgt een egale en frisse uitstraling
geeft de huid meer volume
vermindert oppervlakkige pigmentvlekken
stimuleert de aanmaak van collageen
vermindert fijne lijntjes en rimpels
verbetert de huidstructuur
grove poriën worden fijner
OxyGeneo behandeling is een behandeling waarbij je de beste resultaten krijgt in een zo kort mogelijke tijd. De behandeling combineert de exfoliërende werking van microdermabrasie en fruitzuurpeeling met zuurstoftherapie van binnenuit in 1 behandeling. Is geschikt voor alle huiden en is helemaal uit te breiden naar wens.
De OxyGeneo behandeling in stappen:
Exfoliate;verwijderen van dode huidcellen van de bovenste huidlaag
De speciale capsugen exfolieert (peelt) de huid op milde wijze. OxyGeneo exfolieërt de bovenste huidlaag en verwijdert overtollige dode huidcellen. Hierdoor kan de huid de actieve werkstoffen beter opnemen.
Infuse;insluizen van werkstoffen
Er wordt een speciale gel gebruikt die rijk is aan actieve werkstoffen. Deze werkstoffen worden diep in de huid opgenomen door de combinatie van exfoliatie en zuurstofvoorziening van binnenuit.
Oxygenate;verhoging van de natuurlijke zuurstofvoorziening van binnenuit
De gel veroorzaakt ontelbare koolstofdioxide belletjes die tegen het huidoppervlak uiteenspatten. Het lichaam reageert hierop door zuurstofrijk bloed naar de huid te sturen. Het volume zal verbeteren.
OxyGeneo uitbreiding met Tripollar; voor de verstrakking en lifting van de huid
TriPollar radiofrequentie is een mogelijkheid om de OxyGeneo behandeling uit te breiden. De TriPollar stimuleert de collageen aanmaak, maakt de huid strakker en zorgt voor een lifting d.m.v. warmte in de diepere huidlagen. Het is de meest comfortabele en gefocuste vorm van radiofrequentie. Ook is het mogelijk om een behandeling te ondergaan met alleen de TriPollar functie.
Huidversteviging en een strakkere kaaklijn
Als we ouder worden verliest de huid zijn stevigheid en zie je de kaaklijn slapper worden. De TriPollar behandeling van OxyGeneo op basis van Radiofrequentie verstevigt de huid en maakt de kaaklijn strakker.
Wat is TriPollar van OxyGeneo
TriPollar is de meest geavanceerde Radiofrequentie (RF) technologie ter wereld. Het wordt al meer dan 75 jaar toegepast in de medische wereld en het is een bewezen en veilige technologie die wereldwijd succesvol wordt toegepast.
De TriPollar behandeling laat de collageenvezels inkrimpen waardoor direct een huidverstrakkend en liftend effect ontstaat. Tevens worden de fibroblasten gestimuleerd en gaan nieuw collageen aanmaken. De TriPollar werkt op de huidversteviging. Het resultaat is dat de huid steviger zal worden en een strakkere kaaklijn zal ontstaan. Daarnaast kunnen rimpels minder zichtbaar worden.
Voor wie is de behandeling geschikt
iedereen die huidversteviging wil
voor een slappe kaaklijn
voor fijne lijntjes en rimpels
Hoe voelt de behandeling aan?
Een TriPollar behandeling voelt als een warme massage. De behandeling is pijnloos en voelt prettig aan.
Wanneer zie je resultaat?
Al na de eerste behandeling zie je direct resultaat. Echter het beste en mooiste resultaat krijg je na een kuur van 6 behandelingen. Na 3 maanden zie je het uiteindelijke resultaat.
Uitbreiding met OxyGeneo
De Tripollar behandeling voor huidversteviging en een strakkere kaaklijn is uit te breiden met OxyGeneo. OxyGeneo is een behandeling met een combinatie van microdermabrasie, peeling en zuurstoftherapie van binnenuit. Meer weten klik hier.
The Geneo+ is now available with TriPollar® technology, the 3rd and latest generation and MOST advanced radio frequency (RF) technology in the industry, offering skin tightening! The TriPollar® hand piece enables you to provide your clients with effective, painless, non-invasive skin tightening for the face and neck. Benefit and results include face lifting, smoothing the jaw line, sagging skin, treating wrinkles and fine lines, and smoothing the skin on the neck. TriPollar® treatments give the skin a fresh, tight, rejuvenated appearance.
How it works:
TriPollar® delivers focused RF energy to the skin surface and subcutaneous layers. The energy heats the skin’s fibroblast which causes the collagen fibers to contract inducing immediate skin tightening. TriPollar® RF energy also stimulates natural collagen regeneration resulting in substantial improvement in the appearance of wrinkles.
Never before has a facial treatment offered such instant, effective results in a pleasant and relaxing way… until the Geneo+ with the TriPollar® hand piece.
The TriPollar® Preparation Gel is uniquely formulated to prepare the skin for the transfer of TriPollar® energy and is used for maximum effectiveness and best results.
Ultrasound Massage Hand Piece
By adding an ultrasound session to the OxyGeneo protocol, you significantly improve the absorption of active ingredients into the skin due to increased cellular metabolism and blood circulation. Using the ultrasound hand piece allows you to improve moisture retention, tighten enlarged pores and relieve “puffiness” around the eyes. The process is safe for all skin types, painless and gentle and can be used on sensitive skin conditions.
The ultrasound hand piece achieves superior infusion by:
Increasing the permeability of the skin
Breaking down the long nutrient molecules into shorter ones
Actively pushing the nutrient ingredients deep into the skin for even better results
Two Specialized Formulas to Treat Specific Skin Conditions
While each OxyGeneo™ treatment softens the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, minimizes pores, hydrates and nourishes the skin, revitalizes a dull complexion and improves the overall facial appearance, your client gets to choose a nourishing gel that fits their specific skin concerns.
NeoBright Formula
NeoBright reduces skin pigmentation and sun damage while lightening the skins complexion.
Azelaic Acid = Even Pigmentation
Azelaic Acid is a well-known agent that is used to treat skin hyper pigmentation conditions that decreases the activity of pigment-producing cells.
Kojic Acid = Skin Lightening
Kojic Acid is a naturally occurring agent produced by fungi which inhibits Melanin production. When combined with Azelaic acid, there is a synergistic lightening and bleaching effect.
Retinol = Anti-Aging
A derivative of Vitamin A, Retinol has been clinically proven to increase collagen and skin cell production. It is also known as one of the best anti-aging solutions.
NeoRevive Formula
NeoRevive smooths the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and revitalizes dull complexion.
Hyaluronic acid = Wrinkle Reduction
Naturally produced by the body and responsible for fluid retention and skin moisturizing, as we age, the body’s capacity to produce Hyaluronic Acid decreases. This results in thinner, dryer and wrinkled skin. By infusing Hyaluronic acid, the skin is able to regain lost moisture and volume, thereby reducing wrinkles.
Peptides = Skin Repair
Peptides are small protein fragments which strengthen the skin’s ability to retain fluids. Combined with Hyaluronic Acid, a synergetic effect of dermal repair is created.
Retinol = Collegen Renewal
A derivative of vitamin A, Retinol has been clinically provide to increase collagen and skin cell production. It is known as one of the best anti-wrinkle solutions.
OxyGeneo® treatment provides the only 3-in-1 Super Facial.
Patented and clinically proven OxyGeneo® technology results in unparalleled skin nourishment & oxygenation, for smoother complexion and younger looking skin. Results are seen after only one treatment.
Redefining facial treatments
What makes OxyGeneo® a Super Facial? OxyGeneo provides 3 effective facial treatments simultaneously. It combines gentle exfoliation, natural skin oxygenation, and a deep facial rejuvenation with the infusion of essential revitalizing nutrients.
Exfoliate. Infuse. Oxygenate.
Breakthrough OxyGeneo® Technology provides superior anti-aging results by treating the skin at a deeper level. Exfoliate, Infuse, and Oxygenate your way to youthful skin. Learn more about HOW IT WORKS below. Ultrasound is now available for enhancing the OxyGeneo treatment results.
I have been working with the geneO+ device since October 2013 and the results continue to amaze my clients. The texture of the skin changes immediately with the unique Capsugen exfoliant (micro), the skin is absolutely radiant from the stimulation of oxygenation, and the infusion of the essential actives for the anti-aging or brightening is apparent in just one treatment (I also complement the treatment with concentrates and creams). I also take pre and post pictures to show my clients the type of results we can achieve with just one treatment. — Dr. Ronald Moy, Moy-Fincher-Chipps Facial Plastics & Dermatology
I’m excited to bring this technology to my spa, and to be the first spa in New York City to offer the next generation oxygen facial. OxyGeneo has quickly become my favorite facial treatment, and our clients are very appreciative of how smooth and supple their skin feels after just one OxyGeneo experience. Everyone here has very quickly realized that OxyGeneo is an advanced anti-aging facial technology that offers a gentle treatment with immediate visible results.— Jillian Wright, Clinical Skin Spa, New York City, NY
In less than an hour, your skin is visibly smoother and revitalized from the geneO+ 3-in-1 Facial. This facial is ideal for someone who wants immediate, dramatically visible results. — Derek Hoffmann, Spa Director The Spa at Four Seasons Resort at Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, FL
OxyGeneo delivers excellent facial skin exfoliation but also provides the unique benefits of natural skin oxygenation and nutrient infusion. — Ghislaine Beilin, MD, Paris, France
OxyGeneo facial treatments have transformed my skin's appearance dramatically. My hyper pigmentation is less visible and my skin is left feeling brighter, vibrant and refreshed.— Vanessa Cesario, Client, Soft Touch Electrolysis and Aesthetics by Isabel Lupis
I am extremely pleased with my results from my OxygGeneo treatments. I have noticed a significant difference in the brightness of my skin and overall texture. I have some sun damage from my child hood and I was pleased to see a difference in my problem areas. I would recommend OxyGeneo to everyone, there is no other facial like it. — Kate Alleyne, Upper Village Spa client
The Capsugen tablet exfoliates the upper skin layer to remove dead cells, smooth and renew the skin, preparing the skin to receive active nutrients.
Capsugen® cleanses the skin, preparing it for infusion of active ingredients: NeoRevive™ for rejuvenation and anti-aging or NeoBright™ for skin brightening and texture improvement
The OxyGeneO® effect produces CO2 bubbles which gently burst on the skin surface creating a physiological response, sending oxygen-rich blood to the area. This increases capillary flow and skin metabolism. Oxygenation results in optimal absorption of active ingredients.
OxyGeneo® is safe for all skin tones and can treat sensitive skin without any irritation.
NEW! Now available with Ultrasound!
By adding an ultrasound treatment to the OxyGeneo protocol, you can significantly improve the absorption of active ingredients into the skin due to increased cellular metabolism and blood circulation.
Achieve superior infusion
Increase the permeability of the skin
Break down the long nutrient molecules into shorter ones
Actively push the nutrient ingredients deep into the skin for even better results
The benefits are clear
Improve moisture retention
Tighten enlarged pores
Relieve “puffiness” around the eyes
The process is safe for all skin types, painless and gentle and can be used on sensitive skin conditions.
Two specialized formulas available to treat specific skin conditions
NeoBright formula
NeoBright lightens skin tone, minimizes the appearance of skin pigmentations and uneven skin tone.
Azelaic acid = Even pigmentation
Azelaic acid is a recognized agent for treating skin hyperpigmentation conditions decreasing the activity of pigment-producing cells.
Kojic acid = Skin lightening
Kojic acid is a naturally occurring agent produced by fungi which inhibits melanin production. When combined with azelaic acid, there is a synergistic lightening and bleaching effect.
Retinol = Anti-aging
A derivative of Vitamin A, retinol has been clinically proven to increase collagen and skin cell production. It is also known as one of the best anti-aging solutions.
NeoRevive formula
NeoRevive revitalizes a dull complexion making the skin smooth and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Hyaluronic acid = Wrinkle reduction
Hyaluronic acid increases hydration and prevents moisture loss resulting in more supple skin and more volume, thereby reducing wrinkles.
Peptides = Skin repair
Peptides are small protein fragments which strengthen the skin’s ability to retain fluids. Combined with hyaluronic acid, a synergetic effect of dermal repair is created.
Retinol = Collagen renewal
A derivative of vitamin A, retinol has been clinically proven to increase collagen and skin cell production and is regarded as one of the most effective anti-wrinkle solutions.
An OxyGeneo™ treatment utilizes the power of the patented Capsugen™ capsule and nutrient-rich gels, NeoRevive™ or NeoBright™. A natural chemical reaction is produced, forming countless CO2-rich bubbles which gently burst on the skin’s surface, while essential nutrients and antioxidants are infused deeply into the skin.
Reduce the Signs of Aging with Capsugen™
OxyGeneo™ treatments use the Capsugen™ capsule to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells, and to prepare the skin to receive active nutrients.
OxyGeneo™ treatments with Capsugen™ allow Medical Professionals & Aestheticans to:
Tighten and firm the skin.
Hydrate and nourish the skin.
Revitalize dull skin.
Soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduce Wrinkles & Inflammation with NeoRevive™
With geneO+’s unique oxygenation plus the NeoRevive™ gel, skin will be infused with active nutrients that improve texture and balance.
NeoRevive™ contains anti-wrinkle, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds while stimulating collagen synthesis and repairing photo damage.
Ribose, Punica Granatum Seed Oil, and Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5 are just a few of the anti-aging superstars in this gel. Complexions will look and feel smoother, firm, nourished and revived.
Reduce Pigmentation with NeoBright™
To brighten and lighten the skin, use the innovative gel, NeoBright™. NeoBright™ works with the body’s mechanisms to oxygenate the skin and to lighten the complexion naturally.
NeoBright’s highly effective, gentle formula, infuses your skin with natural emollients, antioxidants and skin-nourishing vitamins.
Kojic and azelaic acid inhibit melanin production, acne, and hyperpigmentation. Skin will be lightened, brightened, and balanced with a radiant glow.
See Younger Looking Skin After Just the First Treatment
OxyGeneo™ Before & After Photos
After a Series of Treatments
Enhancement of skin’s pebbled appearance (elastosis). The pigmentation of the encircled area has almost cleared. The area looks more uniform.
After a Series of Treatments
Smoothing of brown spots. Texture and appearance enhancement